Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Join the Photo Mob 以微笑撐鯊魚!

Check out our photo mob entries so far (815 photos): All Photos (on PicasaWeb)

Check out or download our photo collages: All Collages (on PicasaWeb)

What is the photo mob about? Our goal is to collect 376+ photos of folks from the Chinese community and all walks of life to show California that loving sharks isn't racist and that we all support AB376. We will be printing a collage of these photos and delivering them to Californian Senators in August 2011.

What can you do? Smile, snap and send! Easy as one, two, three.
  1. Create your own sign* or print one of ours, hold them in your hands, and then Smile
  2. Snap a photo
  3. Send us your photo* by email to Please use the word "Incoming" as the subject of the email. Please allow us some time to verify and transfer your photo to the final album (this is to prevent spamming).
*Remember to be respectful in your message and photo. Photo size of 640 x 480 is preferred. 

You can also print these template signs for your photo mob entry. 


Click here Pdf for Chinese version and English version.

Feeling inspired? Help us collect photos! We are looking to collect photos primarily from Chinese citizens in California but also photos of people from all walks of life, all around the world. Want to set up a booth to help us collect photos? All you need are some signs, a camera and some talking points. Email us for more information. You don't even have to be an organization -- if you happen to be attending a party with many like-minded friends, just bring the signs and a camera, and you may be able to get us 10 pictures or so!

目前已收集到的照片(共 815 張):全部照片 (on PicasaWeb)

您也可以瀏覽或下載我們製作了的照片拼貼: 全部拼貼 (on PicasaWeb)

「微笑撐鯊魚」簡介 加州議會正在商議第 376 號法案,禁止管有、銷售、或分發魚翅。這是保育海洋的重要措施,我們十分贊成。但是,有部分魚翅商人和飲食業人士,郤說這法案是對亞洲文化的攻撃、又說它帶有種族歧視的成分。我們本身是華人,絕對不贊同這些說法。因此,我們打算在華人社區及加州各地收集 376 張或以上的照片,展示大家的微笑,以表達我們對第 376 號法案的支持,也重申我們的文化尊重大自然,也愛護天地萬物包括面臨絕種危機的鯊魚。我們會把收集得來的照片綜合在一起,在八月提交給加州參議院。

您能做甚麼? 簡單不過!微笑、拍照、送出!
  1. 手持我們提供的標語(您也可自製標語*的啊),微笑。。。
  2. 拍照。。。
  3. 然後請把照片*電郵到 請把電郵的標題設為 "Incoming"。為了防止垃圾電郵或惡意照片,我們會用人手檢視照片後上載至上列相簿。因此這一步驟略為需時。

*如果您自製標語的話,請有禮地表達出您的看法. 照片的解像度最好是 640 x 480 . 


我們也有 Pdf 檔供您選擇:中文版英文版.

受到感動想做更多?您可以幫我們收集照片啊! 除了加州之外,我們也歡迎世界各地的華人參與。除了個人上載之外,一次過收集多人的照片也是很好的辦法。您所需要的只是標語、相機、和幾句解釋的說話。如果您是團體,願意協辦這件事,我們十分歡迎。請電郵我們和我們聯絡。即使您不是任何團體,您也可以嘗試為我們收集照片。比如說您剛好有某個朋友之間的聚會,您可以帶同標語和相機赴會,說不定在聚會中就可以收集到十張八張的照片哩!

How It Started

A group of activists from around the globe including Judy Ki (California), Yvonne Chu (California), Rebecca Lee (California), Mike Kwan (California), Christopher Chin (California), Claudia Li (Vancouver), Clement Lee (New Jersey), Joanna Hui and other friends found out about the proposed shark fin bill in California (Assembly Bill 376) that would ban sale, possession and trade. We knew that San Francisco is home to the largest Chinese restaurant industry in North America and is one of the largest consumers of shark fin outside of Asia. We were excited about AB376 and protecting sharks from the cruel and wasteful nature of shark finning and the demand for shark fin soup. But we also found out that some Californian politicians including San Francisco Senator Leland Yee have been saying that stopping shark fin consumption is "an attack on Chinese culture." So we decided that we as shark activists need to send our voices to California and tell politicians that loving sharks has nothing to do with color or race – it has to do with ecology – and the photo mob idea was born.

Claudia in our first photo mob entry.